Learn hindi
Learn hindi

learn hindi

Help make the right decision when buying new clothes.

  • Accompany the two main characters down-town.
  • They get to know each other better on a weekend trip.
  • You accompany the main character to the supermarket and help find everything on the long shopping list.
  • But before one can invite his travel friend to dinner, one has to refill the fridge at home.
  • The two main characters can get together once in a while now that are back from their vacation and at home once again. Reserve a hotel room and order breakfast for the next few days.
  • You learn vocabulary that helps you to easily solve this situation:.
  • It helps you to decide what to do next in your travel plans.

    learn hindi

    Good thing the weather forecast comes on the radio. The two main characters buy train tickets in Hindi. You can find time to relax in a little café with a nice cup of tea. If you happen to lose your way in the city, you can simply ask someone for directions. You can, of course, do a lot more on holiday together than just share a meal:Ī city tour and an enjoyable day in the downtown make for a wonderful holiday experience.

    #Learn hindi how to

    You learn which words are needed at breakfast and how to read a menu at dinner. Surprisingly, they discover that they both come from the same country and, in fact, from the same city.Īs they are staying in the same hotel, they agree to have a meal together. They introduce themselves and tell each other where they come from. Our two main characters get to know each other during their vacation.New words will be added to your lessons every day. With this learning method, you will learn all of the vocabulary in this Hindi course. (Important to know: If you forgot the word to be learned on any occasion during the repetition phase, the repetition starts again.) It is permanently stored in your long-term memory. If you knew the word on each occasion, by this time you will never forget it! You have to correctly translate the word just one more time. On the ninth day you will be prompted by the same word yet again. On the eighth day you will be prompted by the same word yet again. On the third day you will be prompted by the same word again. First thing on the following day you have to correctly translate this word.

    Learn hindi